UK Governments announced on 25 August that it had issued new guidance to address flood risk in the planning process for new homes in its document: Better flood protections for new homes – GOV.UK .
In our 2022 Manifesto, we called for better planning and more rules and regulations around building properties to mitigate the risk of flooding.
So, when we saw the announcement, we thought it was a welcome step. We agree with the Secretary of State’s point that councils will need to demonstrate that a development will be safe from flooding for its lifetime, will not increase flood risk elsewhere, and where possible will reduce flood risk overall.
The availability of suitable and affordable flood cover is important for the financial resilience of consumers and businesses. As the impacts of climate change affect the profile of rainfall and consequent flooding, it is vital that progress in these areas is made to maintain a competitive market and we hope this new guidance can reduce the number of inappropriate and unsuitable new builds in flood risk areas”
BIBA members that are not able to quote for risks prone to flooding can use our Commercial Property with Flood scheme for commercial risks and signpost home insurance customers to our Flood Insurance Directory.