Putting members at the centre of what we do. Your opportinities to get involved.
There are many chances for you to be in the thick of the work BIBA does for brokers and intermediaries.
If you are really passionate about what is happening in your local area, consider joining one of our 11 regional committees. The chair of each committee sits on our Regional Chairs’ Advisory Board meaning your feedback gets heard atthe very top of the organisation.
You can also help shape the direction of learning, networking and social events for brokers in your area.
We have insurance technical committees that meet quarterly to discuss insurance and market issuues across different insurance markets. So if you have a view and some expertise on property insurance, or liability and accident, or motor, or cyber or technology or regulation why not get in touch with our technical team and get involved?
And, for those of you under 35 years old – join one of our Young Broker Committees or support their events and secure the future of our sector.
Policy & Advocacy
We represent your interests and campaign on your behalf on a wide range of issues affecting insurance brokers.