As a campaigner for wider access to flood insurance via brokers, BIBA has been active in the Government’s Property Flood Resilience Action Plan task force to help improve the uptake of flood resilience measures in UK homes and businesses. Following the launch of the Code of Practise for Property Flood Resilience earlier this year, BIBA is now working with CIWEM (Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management), DEFRA and other flood stakeholders to help to establish what information, training and guidance everyone is using, and what their areas of need are in respect of property flood resilience.
BIBA brokers can have a key role understanding the needs of local firms and households to tell Government what is required, and to inform their clients what is available to minimise the risk of flooding to their properties. To that end, we are gathering information in a short survey to trade body members from across the professions. We would be grateful for your views. Take the survey by 17th July