9th November 2021

BIBA Executive Director, Graeme Trudgill comments on the news that Government plans to introduce a competitiveness objective on the FCA:

“BIBA very much welcomes the HM Treasury’s new consultation: Financial Services Future Regulatory Framework Review: Proposals for Reform, which has a proposal from the government to introduce a new growth and international competitiveness objective. This has been a core part of the last four BIBA Manifestos so we are delighted to see such a positive direction of travel.

We also support Government’s proposal that the FCA report on their performance against their growth and competitiveness objective on an annual basis.”

Read what we called for in our 2021 Manifesto.

BIBA members can read our response to HMT’s previous regulatory framework consultation here
and what our Talking Resilience panel said at our 2021 conference here.

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