1st March 2021

Back in 2019, we set out to find out what you wanted from your trade association going forward and you may have discussed your thoughts about BIBA with our researcher. The insight from those discussions was really valuable and largely highly positive.

However, one very consistent opinion was that BIBA needed to be more visible in its branding. As a result, we began plans to strengthen our branding; to modernise it and bring our work as an association to the fore.

We revealed our new look with the launches of our 2021 Conference and our Manifesto: Resilience, which both used our new logo. Of course, brand isn’t just about a logo. We will be using a simpler colour pallet and BIBA documents will begin to display a recognisable look and feel, and a more approachable and friendly use language.

We also plan to update and upgrade our website which will include improvements to your own user experience. Our aim is to make the information you need easy to find – something that came up as essential in our research.

We have deliberately chosen a gentle approach to this roll-out with nothing being changed until change is needed. But when you’re ready you can download our new logo here to use anywhere where you currently display the BIBA look.

You can also see our new brand guidelines here to see how to use our new logo.

If you have any questions please contact [email protected] and we’ll do what we can to help.

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