9th February 2024

We are delighted to announce that the BIBA Journalist and Media Awards 2024 are now open for entries.  Open to journalists who have written, displayed or broadcast on general insurance subjects in the UK press between 2 February 2023 – 2 February 2024. The awards aim to recognise the important contribution that journalists make in promoting a better understanding and awareness of general insurance issues.

The awards ceremony will be held at 4pm on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at Lloyd’s of London, Old Library, followed by food and drinks at One Under Lime for those able to stay.


The closing deadline for award entries is 1 March 2024

Enter here

If you have entered our awards before using our online platform,  you will already have a login – so you might just need to click the “remember password” box.

iF you have any questions please contact Becky Pledge [email protected]

Award entry details and criteria below

The awards sponsored by Lloyd’s of London
National, regional and trade journalists are eligible to enter 11 categories each one carrying a prize of £800 for the winner. Judges will have the discretion to make a Highly Commended Award of £250.

The individual categories are:**

• Consumer Champion Award
Open to the best consumer or money journalist tackling readers’ insurance based problems and complaints.

• Story of the Year Award
Open to national, insurance trade and regional journalists for the best insurance story of the year.

• London or International Award
Open to any journalist for the best, most informative article about the London or international insurance market.

• Scoop of the Year Award
Open to any journalist who was responsible for researching, breaking, and writing an important insurance news story first.

• Best Consumer or Business Award
Open to national and regional journalists for the best all round article examining insurance issues for consumers or businesses including the investigation, research and overall explanation of a general insurance subject that raises awareness for individual or business consumers of insurance.

• Best Trade Award
Open to journalists who have written an article, feature or news item including the investigation, research, and overall explanation of a general insurance subject in the insurance trade press.

• Most Promising Newcomer Award
Open to any journalist who started to write or broadcast on insurance matters during the last 18 months.

• Best Interview or Profile Award
Open to any journalist or podcaster who has researched and developed the most informative and most engaging interview with an individual or profile of an organisation within the insurance industry.

• Best Thought Leadership Award
Open to any journalist who has written an in-depth, opinion-led piece that shapes or provokes debate in the insurance industry.

• Best Investigative Journalism Award
Open to any journalist who has thoroughly investigated, researched, and presented in any medium an insurance issue to increase the understanding of it.

• Best Digital or Broadcast Award
Open to any journalist or media outlet who has creatively used digital or broadcast channels to further the understanding of insurance to their audience. (Where presenting a digital entry we expect this to use digital media to their full extent to enhance the reporting of any issue and not simply an article posted online.)

• Best Publication Award (judged and presented by BIBA)
Awarded to the publication or team that has in the BIBA judges’ opinion best presented insurance matters in the course of the year. (no entries necessary)

The deadline for submissions is 1 March 2024.

All entrants will be considered for the overall Journalist of the Year Award which carries a prize of £1000 and is chosen by BIBA.

Previous BIBA Journalist of the Year Award winners include: Jonathan Swift, Insurance Post; Ian Smith, Financial Times; Sian Barton, Insurance Age; Esther Shaw, Freelance; Stephanie Denton, formerly Post Magazine; Sarah Pennells, Freelance; Anthony Hilton, Evening Standard; Sam Barker, formerly Insurance Times; Bob Howard, BBC Radio Moneybox; Dan Moore, Which?

I do hope you will take the opportunity to enter our awards and that you will be able to join us at the awards ceremony on Wednesday 10 July 2024 at Lloyd’s of London, Old Library, 4pm followed by food and drinks at One Under Lime for those able to stay.

Please see below the additional entry criteria for the awards.

We look forward to receiving your entries.

Kind regards
Becky Pledge

General Awards Criteria

• Please review individual categories for specific entry criteria and requirements (above)

• Journalists can enter a maximum of three award categories including entries made as part of a team.

• Podcasts must be no longer than 35 minutes.

• Written articles must be no longer than 2500 words.

• When entering only send links to open source websites and not those that are password protected. Where necessary please supply these as a PDF attachment.

• The judges will look for entries which raise awareness and understanding of general insurance subjects and help the audience to gain a greater insight into general insurance issues. Originality, style, quality of research and investigation will also be assessed.

• All entries (except Most Promising Newcomer Award and Consumer Champion Award) must consist of only one general insurance article, broadcast recording or campaign.

• Most Promising Newcomer Award and Consumer Champion Award require two general insurance articles or broadcast recordings.

• Journalists should be aware that they can only enter each category once this includes joint entries with your team. You may enter a maximum of three categories, but a different article must be entered for each category. Any duplicated entries will not be judged.

• Print, broadcast and online pieces produced between 2 February 2023 -2 February 2024 are eligible for submission.

• Upload JPEG, PDF files or word documents. Maximum file size is 5MB per piece.

• Video entries may be hosted on a video site such as YouTube or Vimeo.

• If you would like to enter more than one category, there is a copy button that will allow you to duplicate your entry details and attach a different article specific to that category only.

• In order to help the judges understand the background of the article entered, journalists can submit a supporting statement of up to 150 words explaining why their article deserves to win. This will help to ensure that all factors are taken into consideration during the judging process.

A supporting statement is compulsory for the following categories:

• The Most Promising Newcomer Award requires the journalist’s editor/producer to supply a supporting statement only.

•The Scoop of the Year Award requires the journalist to explain in their supporting statement how they achieved the scoop story through investigative journalism.

•The Best Investigative Journalist Award requires the journalist to explain their methodology, reasons and results.

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