8th June 2023

BIBA is pleased to welcome Grant Thornton as a BIBA associate. Grant Thornton is a global firm with 68,000 people in 750 offices across 140 countries. The UK Financial Services Group specialise in providing audit, assurance and advisory services to organisations of all sizes across the insurance sector.

Their role is to help bring trust and integrity to financial markets, enable firms to grow dynamically and sustainably helping insurance firms to realise their strategic ambitions, optimise operations, master risk, proactively meet regulatory obligations, win the talent battle and finance growth.  The areas of expertise that they can support you in are business risk services, regulatory, financial crime, tax, corporate finance, business consulting, audit and assurance, and actuarial and  risk.

Rob Benson, Partner, Head of Insurance from Grant Thornton commented: “We’re excited to be working more closely than ever with BIBA as an associate. We’re committed to supporting its members, and the wider insurance market, through the challenges and opportunities arising in the future.”

We look forward to working with Grant Thornton and BIBA members can find out more on their website Insurance | Grant Thornton.

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