15th May 2020

With the Government announcements on Sunday around the clarifications about lockdown easing in England there is a pressing customer demand for relevant sector risk management guidance and qualified support.
I’m extremely proud that our Business Resilience team have already completed over 600 customer surveys for new business, resurveys and importantly pre-quote surveys.

Our in-house team of 40 have quickly and successfully made the transition from traditional face to face site visits to develop new innovative ways to help brokers and customers in need;

  • By understanding how client business management practices and embedded risk management controls can be adapted in response to the crisis
  • Focusing on what’s important, to limit client contact to less than one hour, with quality conversations from topic experts
  • By embracing video technology and pre-call self-assessment we have opened up client engagement so that broker teams can actively participate too
  • Following our engagement our teams share relevant resources and guidance to help each client update their existing management controls and management procedures
  • Not just about existing business activity, we’ve helped clients respond to new opportunities by helping them navigate new risk profiles, such as shifting production to hand sanitiser

Restart – Sector risk guides (download PDFs)

We fully understand it may be challenging for your customers to restart trading with the numerous new timelines, controls and changes required to protect employees, suppliers and customers.

Our Business Resilience team have already produced a number of trade sector and topic specific ‘Restart’  risk guides to help get them safely up and running.

The guides are freely available for download and shared with clients with more in production as lockdown easement measures by sector start to be communicated.

Please click for the latest restart guides on Manufacturing, Construction, Supply chain risk, Builders merchants, Garden centres.


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