9th January 2023

The Board of the British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) has extended Jonathan Evans’ tenure as Chair for a further three years.

Evans has a background in law, particularly insurance law which led to a number of insurance board positions. He served two decades as an MP and MEP and was formerly a Corporate Affairs Minister with responsibility for the insurance industry.  He also chaired the All Party Parliamentary Group on Insurance and Financial Services.

Steve White BIBA Chief Executive said: “We are all delighted that Jonathan has agreed to continue as Chair. In these challenging times the stability of retaining our Chair, who is well versed in the challenges and successes of our sector, will help us greatly to continue to deliver what our members need.  I am looking forward to working with him over the coming years.”

Evans added: “I have enjoyed the last three years immensely and look forward to working on what the coming months bring.  I am proud to Chair such an engaged Board and for us collectively to guide the great BIBA team.”

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Notes to editors

  1. For further information please contact BIBA’s press office

Pam Quinn

Head of Communications

020 7397 0223

[email protected]

Leighann Forsyth

Deputy Head of Communications

020 7397 0224
[email protected]

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  1. About the British Insurance Brokers’ Association

The British Insurance Brokers’ Association (BIBA) is the UK’s leading general insurance intermediary organisation representing the interests of insurance brokers, intermediaries and their customers.

BIBA membership includes around 1800 regulated firms, employing more than 100,000 people. General insurance brokers contribute 1% of GDP to the UK economy; they arrange 72% of all general insurance with a premium totalling £74bn and 92% of all commercial insurance business. Insurance brokers put their customers’ interests first, providing advice, access to suitable insurance protection and risk management.

BIBA receives hundreds of thousands of enquiries per year to its Find Insurance Services, online and via the telephone, which are directed to insurance broking firms.

BIBA is the voice of the sector advising members, Government, regulators, consumer bodies and other stakeholders on key insurance issues.

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