27th August 2020

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has released the following travel advice for UK citizens, relating to coronavirus.

Now some foreign travel has restarted, many UK citizens are enjoying travelling overseas again. Whilst this is a really positive development, it remains essential for travellers to check Travel Advice before and during their trip – the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing, and travel advice remains subject to change, often at short notice.

  • The coronavirus pandemic is ongoing and travel advice is subject to change, often at short notice
  • You should be prepared for the situation to change in your destination
  • British Travellers must take action ahead of departure to help keep themselves safe and informed as they will face new rules and regulations
  • Read the travel advice for your destination on GOV.UK to make sure you know what actions to take ahead of departure
  • Sign up for email alerts for your destination via GOV.UK – you will be notified of the latest changes to travel advice, whether in the UK or abroad
  • You should buy appropriate travel insurance for your trip. Get it. Check it.
  • You must follow local laws at your destination

To make sure your customers have access to the latest advice, the following links are the best place to go to:

  • Travel advice: coronavirus (COVID-19) – link – for the most up to date guidance for British people travelling overseas during the pandemic
  • Travel Advice index page – link – for access to all country specific advice pages
  • Travel advice page for the relevant country – e.g. link for Portugal – when talking about a specific country. We would strongly recommend anyone travelling signs up to Travel Advice email alerts for their destination via the country specific page

We appreciate there are a few different links here – but hopefully these are all helpful to direct customers and those planning travel to places where this can find the right information.

We encourage you to direct your customers towards travel advice in the form you feel would be most effective, such as (but not exclusively):

  • Sharing FCDO content on your own social channels – such as this myth-busting explainer video – we have a set of these videos available and can direct you to them
  • Including key messaging and relevant links on your website
  • Including key messaging and relevant links in customers emails
  • Including key messaging and relevant links in your newsletters


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