We always welcome alternative tenders for any scheme which is approaching the end of its contract period.

We always aim to to make members aware of opportunities through our weekly email, by identifying the schemes and facilites within six months of the end of their contract, together with the deadline for responses.

You can also find information about schemes and facilites up for tender, or new scheme or facility opportunities on this page.

We usually seek to confirm renewal, or appoint an alternative provider at least two months before the end of the current contract. This enables providers to put in place promotional plans at the earliest opportunity, particularly if this coincides with the build up to the BIBA Conference or other specific marketing opportunities we identify.

We are always keen to consider new schemes and facilities, either for a particular niche area or for more standard products that have sufficient unique selling points to ensure that the breadth of cover and competitiveness of the premiums remain at the cutting edge.

If you wish to put forward a proposal for consideration please review the Schemes Criteria below and send an initial short short summary of your proposal to Mike Hallam, Head of Technical Services on 0207 397 0204 or email [email protected]

Send a proposal

BIBA Schemes and Facilities available for tender

We always welcome tenders for any new scheme that we are considering or alternatives for those which are approaching the end of their contract period.  Those that we are seeking tenders for are listed below.

Please do  review the criteria and contact  Mike Hallam, Head of Technical Services on 0207 397 0204 or email [email protected] as soon as possible.

BIBA Schemes & Facilities criteria

Premium Finance

Deadline for tenders

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